Human Biologist Reveals What to Fix NOW To Live Longer - Gary Brecka

Season 1 Episode 30, August 23rd, 2019

Learn cures for society's chronic health issues by analyzing Nick's blood work!


Today on the #SPOHNTRAINED Personal Development Podcast, I interview Gary Brecka, a human biologist! Now, what does a human biologist do exactly?! Well Gary Brecka is the CEO of Streamline Wellness and a professional when it comes to reading your blood labs, as well as analyzing your medical records in order to optimize your body’s health and performance levels.

In this week's podcast, Gary and I blow up conventional medical wisdom and travel around the world of health and wellness. From clinical deficiencies and vitamin intake for proper biological functioning, all the way to the Himalayas to snack on sea salt for hydration.

We fly to the well-balanced levels of cholesterol, and dive into the healthy ranges of white and red blood cell counts, oxygen levels, testosterone, and even the hematocrit.

Ever wake up feeling achy, stiff, and sore for no reason? Gary ushers us down a road that accentuates some of the most important variables for our organ and liver function. Additionally, he shines a spotlight on some of my own blindspots when it comes to blood labs, blood sugar and proper nutrition. Gary escorts us down the psychosomatic river and expounds upon the shocking levels of cortisol that fluctuate with the time we spend on our phones!

Get ready for an exciting new adventure around the world of human biology and remember to listen closely for what may be showing up for you in your life! I hope you all enjoy learning about our biome and don’t forget to hold on tightly for all of the mind-blowing tips and tricks coming your way!

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