Fearvana: The Merging of Fear and Bliss to Create Your Best Self with Akshay Nanavati

Season 1 Episode 77, September 9th, 2020

Akshay Nanavati shares the spiritual and scientific uses of fear


Ready to learn to conquer your fears? Join me and Akshay Nanavati as he shares his experience overcoming fear in all aspects of life. Utilizing the latest science and ancient spiritual principles Akshay shares how to step through fear and experience true bliss and freedom on the other side. He coined the term “Fearvana” to describe the experience of what waits on the other side of your fears. Fear is not the opposite of love, in fact facing fear is the path to love. Hear his inspiring story from alcoholic to marine, to ultramarathoner and adventurer. And get his must read book Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness.


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